
Remember When Sony Executives Told Us That Aloha Was Dogshit?

Jordan Sargent · 05/29/15 12:28PM

This weekend’s major film release is Cameron Crowe’s Hawaiian wet dream Aloha, starring Bradley Cooper, Rachel McAdams and Bill Murray, plus Caucasian, Arizona-born Emma Stone as a part-native Hawaiian named Allison Ng. Aloha currently has a very bad 14% on Rotten Tomatoes, which is not a surprise considering the film’s financiers openly lamented how painful and shitty the movie is.

We Bought a Zoo: Can This Cameron Crowe Be Saved?

Richard Lawson · 09/14/11 02:30PM

Here's a trailer for We Bought a Zoo, Cameron Crowe's based-on-a-true-story tale of a single father who, well, up and buys a damn zoo. It's a family repair drama and one that, based on this trailer, doesn't skimp on schmaltz.

Happy Birthday

cityfile · 07/13/09 06:33AM

Harrison Ford turns 67 today. Stephen Glover, who you probably know by the name "Steve-O," is turning 35. Actor Robert Forster is 68. Patrick Stewart is turning 69. Writer/director Cameron Crowe is 52. DailyCandy founder Dany Levy is turning 37. Hedge fund manager Dinakar Singh is 40. Writer Dale Peck turns 42. Cheech & Chong's Cheech Marin is turning 63. And retired basketball player Spud Webb turns 46 today.

Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Cameron Crowe and Kevin Connolly

STV · 01/05/09 01:03PM

1/2 — Dan Tana's. Friday night. CAMERON CROWE having dinner. That guy looks the same as he did when he [wrote] Fast Times. KEVIN CONNOLLY in the bar area alone, but looking like he was waiting for someone. And he was wearing a green Hanes-like short sleeved t-shirt. Seemed odd on such a chilly L.A. night. The End. [Hollywood PrivacyWatch is written by and for Defamer readers; send your sightings to]

Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Cameron Crowe

STV · 12/22/08 12:00PM

12/19 — Just saw Mr. Almost Famous himself, CAMERON CROWE, at the Whole Foods on Wilshire in Santa Monica, looking boyishly handsome and somewhat confused by the massive cheese display. [Hollywood PrivacyWatch is written by and for Defamer readers; send your sightings to]

Kirsten Dunst Is Having A Bummer Party

Douglas Reinhardt · 10/29/08 01:30PM

Click to After enjoying a delicious meal at popular restaurant Bossa Nova, actress Kirsten Dunst was dealt a parking ticket by the cruel hand of fate. Dunst intitally shrugged it off fine, but upon further inspection became slightly miffed. There was a small note attached to the ticket that read: “Thanks a pantsful for putting Cameron Crowe in movie jail. I hope you can sleep at night." [Photo Credit: X17] *A Call To The Bullpen is a work of fiction. Although the pictures we use are most certainly real, Defamer does not purport that any of the incidents or quotations you see in this piece actually happened. Lighten up, people ... it's a joke.

An Open Letter to Cameron Crowe, Re: His New Volcano Comedy

Kyle Buchanan · 10/14/08 04:25PM

Yesterday, CHUD reminded of us one of the most outlandish projects percolating in Hollywood: the next film from director Cameron Crowe (Almost Famous), an untitled, semi-supernatural comedy set to star Ben Stiller and Reese Witherspoon. The former plays a disgraced weapons analyst who must journey to Hawaii to convince the islanders to put up with a new spy satellite — something they're perfectly willing to do if Stiller will secure a human sacrifice for their volcano. Along the way, the analyst has romantic entanglements with various women, including one played by Witherspoon. Cam, Cam, Cam (can we call you "Cam"?). This idea smells worse to us than Vanilla Sky, and here's why:First of all, you're opening yet another film with a professional in disgrace? While that worked fine in Jerry Maguire, the conceptual retread wore thin quickly in Elizabethtown. Ironically, the fact that Elizabethtown bombed might have given you new insight into the sort of character who suffers career ignominy and then struggles to pick up the pieces, but we'd still recommend against using that trope a third freakin' time. Also (and perhaps a bit more importantly), THIS IS THE MOVIE JOE VERSUS THE VOLCANO. And, in choosing to pursue a logline so outrageously similar to that Tom Hanks/Meg Ryan film, you have unwittingly awakened the sleeping giant that is Defamer's love for that movie. Cam, we have been to Hawaii. We know Hawaii. Hawaii, sir, is no Waponi Wu. Thus, Cam, we politely ask you to take stock of your upcoming project. Does your "disgraced professional" undergo a freakout that can top this? Is he asked to become involved with a volcano sacrifice by a sparkly-eyed Lloyd Bridges? Are three of his love interests played by a pre-Restylane Meg Ryan, and is one of them a flibbertigibbet? If the answer to any of these questions is "no," perhaps it's time to shelve this project and pick back up with Singles 2: The VH1 Classic Years.

Cameron Crowe To Revive Career With Craziest Movie Already Made

Richard Lawson · 10/14/08 11:54AM

Do you remember when Cameron Crowe, the writer and director of lovely little funny/sad movies like Say Anything... and Almost Famous (Kate Hudson! was good! in that movie!), made that thing Elizabethtown, that was essentially about how Orlando Bloom would be dead on the ground if a gun were pressed to his head and he was asked to act and about how Kirsten Dunst will take photos of you with her imaginary camera? Yeah, it was almost the worst movie ever made (poor, poor Judy Greer). So Crowe should probably try to hit his next one out of the park, considering E-town and his previous effort Vanilla Sky (actually kind of good, rewatch) both tanked, critically and at the box office. So with that comeback in mind, when you think of "guaranteed crowd-pleaser" you immediately think of Ben Stiller, Reese Witherspoon, and a volcano, right? Well, Cameron sure does! According to Chud, Crowe's new film incorporates all three of those things:

The Real Reason Penelope Cruz Can't Keep A Man: ‘When She Takes Off Her Blouse, It’s The Least Sexual Moment In History’

Molly Friedman · 07/18/08 07:40PM

In the latest issue of W, cover girl Penelope Cruz assures the reporter that she “never talk[s] about her private life to journalists...NEVER," Of course, a few grafs above, the pretty little beard-candy spends much of the interview talking, in great detail, about the most private of private issues we didn’t even know we wanted to know! Penelope’s “inner monsters” that have ruined her so-called relationships, why “sweating and bleeding” is her idea of “happiness,” and far more after the jump: