
Evil Tobacco Exec Encourages Smokers to Live Longer

Hamilton Nolan · 07/05/11 09:09AM

It's always oddly fascinating to read interviews in which Big Tobacco executives are spoken to like ordinary businessmen rather than like the inhuman monsters that they clearly are. Look, the heartless ogre can talk just like a normal human!

'The Daily Show' Botches a Camel Stunt

Jim Newell · 02/23/11 03:17PM

The Daily Show's coverage of the protests in Madison, Wisconsin hasn't used any of its rumored "camel footage" yet, and this YouTube clip may show you why. The show thought it would be funny to bring a camel to the protests on Monday, presumably as some sort of joke about how the issues there are so puny compared to what's going down in the Middle East. But Madison blogger Jack Craver got footage of the camel slipping in the ice and slush, moaning, and falling down along with the barricade surrounding it. Daily Show correspondent John Oliver briefly walks in front of Craver, too, suggesting he turn the camera off. Oh, that John Oliver! (Yikes.)