
cityfile · 12/11/09 04:56PM

• Olana on lower Madison Avenue is the latest restaurant to go bust. [Crain's]
• The UES fixture Gino's is still open, it may not be for much longer. [NYT]
• Café Habana's lawyer fired back today at the four ex-employees suing the restaurant. But now two other former servers are voicing similar complaints.
• Your dreams have been answered: The new Chelsea club Amnesia, which opened its doors last night, is "a little bit of Jersey Shore in Manhattan." [GS]
Rao's is impossible to get into. It's also overrated, just as you suspected.
• Gordon Ramsay's restaurant empire almost went under this year. Now he says he plans to focus more on TV than food in the future. [Bloomberg]
• The State Liquor Authority is dealing with another bribery case. [NYP]
• How much goes Kim Kardashian get to appear at a club? $40K. [Eater]

Owen Wilson's Dating Secrets Revealed!

cityfile · 12/10/09 03:19PM

Four former waitresses who worked at Café Habana on Prince Street have filed a labor lawsuit against the restaurant and its owners. In addition to claiming they were illegally forced to share tips and denied overtime pay, the four also say they were "subjected to a heavily sexually charged environment in which they were required to dress in a sexually provocative manner, asked to take pictures scantily clad, and subject to degrading sexual harassment." One particularly degrading act that one of the four says Café Habana's owners demanded of her? They told her to sleep with Owen Wilson, a "good customer" of the restaurant who had asked the waitress out previously, but had been turned down: