
What's Fair Compensation for Vomiting in a Cab?

Hamilton Nolan · 10/25/10 09:03AM

Many of you have probably had the colorful urban experience of vomiting in a cab, due to drunkenness, intoxication, or just plain alcohol-induced motion sickness. You disgusting lush. How much should a cab driver be compensated for your mess?

How I Met Your Mother Ponders What Makes a Real New Yorker

Whitney Jefferson · 10/12/10 01:30PM

When a friend downtown texts with a Woody Allen sighting, the gang decides that a "true New Yorker" wouldn't care. This spawns a discussion about which public transportation system is fastest and inspires an episode-long race through Manhattan.

Another Day, Another Cab Crashes into a Building

Brian Moylan · 08/04/10 09:39AM

It's unclear why, but this taxi jumped the curb and crashed through the scaffolding in front of the TD Bank at the corner of 21st and Park this morning. We're glad we took the subway! More inside.

Fire Lane

Brian Moylan · 04/13/10 06:04PM

[Is this what happens when a temperamental passenger realizes a cabbie has been price gouging? Nah. But this taxi did suddenly burst into flames on Ninth Ave in Manhattan today. Image via Splash]

Is There A Plague Of New, Incompetent Cabdrivers?

Emily Gould · 08/01/07 10:40AM

For the second time this week, I got in a cab with a driver who did not understand this concept: "Greenpoint." Or, more shockingly: "the Williamsburg Bridge." Or! Actually! "THE BQE." Did a session of taxi school just end, I asked, trying hard not to actually slap myself in the face for not just getting out when I'd had the chance? "Yes," said the driver, "but I am a fast learner! I go one time to Greenpoint, I will always know how to get there." How very useful to me! And possibly to you, if you end up in this guy's cab wanting to go to that crazy place called Greenpoint, which is now one of the three places in Brooklyn (others: "Clinton Avenue" and "Pennsylvania Street") he knows how to get to. Also, it turns out that you can take a 24 hour, $85 course to prepare for the yellow cab licensing exam, which, clearly, cannot be very difficult. Long story short? Maybe it's time for us all to make like Zach Braff and get a bike.