
This Is Not an Ocean

Remy Stern · 04/11/11 06:30PM

Heavy snow melt, moist soil, and North Dakota's peculiar geography combined over the weekend to turn the roads and fields around Fargo into a seemingly giant shallow ocean. Called overland flooding, it creates bizarrely apocalyptic scenes like this. [Jalopnik]

The Scariest Car Crash Ever Was Real

Remy Stern · 04/05/11 12:33PM

Yesterday we showed you video of a scary car accident in which a two-by-four kicked up by a truck rockets through a car's windshield. The video was so amazing that people thought it had to be fake. It wasn't. [Jalopnik]

How The Detroit News Sold Its Soul

Remy Stern · 03/16/11 05:01PM

Scott Burgess resigned today as The Detroit News auto critic after his editors bowed to a request by an advertiser to water down his negative review of the Chrysler 200. This is why we can't have nice reviews anymore. [Jalopnik]