How Much Fecal Matter and Lube Would It Take to Paint a 'Santorum' Sign with Santorum?
Maureen O'Connor · 02/10/12 04:30PMEvery Funny Headline Involving the Word 'Santorum'
Maureen O'Connor · 01/04/12 12:09PM
Santorum, as followers of politics know, is the Bible-thumping Republican underdog who tied Mitt Romney at last night's Iowa Caucus. Santorum is also, as users of Google and followers of Dan Savage know, a neologism for "the frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex."
Jesse James Denies Poopstache Sex Tape Rumor, Too
Maureen O'Connor · 04/07/10 11:33PMHave You Heard the Sandra Bullock Hitler Poopstache Sex Tape Rumor, Yet?
Maureen O'Connor · 04/07/10 03:18AMIf You Live In Houston, You're Probably a Bottom
Richard Lawson · 05/28/09 12:55PMCindy Adams: 'Britney Likes Strap-Ons'
Emily Gould · 05/07/07 05:05PMKurt Andersen's Buttsex Tease
Emily Gould · 01/02/07 01:00PM
We were ever so intrigued by New York's take on the ol' 'increasing popularity of anal sex' trend piece ("[27-year-old 'Jim'] agrees that it seems to be on the rise among his friends but wonders whether it's 'really a cultural shift or just something we ease into semi-contemporaneously as we age, like marriage or buying real estate or listening to jazz rap.'"). Our butts were hungry for more after we finished reading it, so we were excited to see Kurt Andersen picking up the theme in his Imperial City column, entitled "How The Middle Class is Getting Screwed." Then we clicked, and were disappointed.
Anal Sex is Increasingly Popular in the Hetero World [NYMag]
Sex Tips from Felicity Huffman
Emily Gould · 12/22/06 09:40AM
Actress Felicity Huffman, who you'll recall from her role on Desper — wait, does anyone actually watch that show or was the whole thing some weird conspiracy to fill our Us Weekly with pictures of middle-aged ladies we don't care about for a year? Yeah, thought so — anyway, Felicity Huffman, who you'll recall from her eerily convincing turn in that transsexual movie, is many things to many people. She's a star of stage and screen, one half of the Hollywood power couple Stephen Colbert has dubbed Filliam H. Muffman, and — unbeknownst to you until right now — she's also a relationship expert. Or so her soon to be published book, A Practical Handbook For The Boyfriend, would seem to indicate.