
World Watches as Norway Runs Out of Butter

Max Read · 12/09/11 11:05AM

What's wrong with you, America? While you leer at "hoochie mamas" on VH1 and use "sext messages" on your "crackberries," a very real international crisis is being ignored across the ocean: Norway is running out of butter.

Woman Arrested for Buttering Roommate

Lauri Apple · 05/28/11 03:39PM

"Unless your roommate specifically asks you to throw butter at their ankles, you should probably abstain," my mom always used to say. Collier County, Florida resident Dawn Elizabeth Rhash allegedly didn't follow this popular rule of etiquette, either because her mom told her otherwise, or because vodka.

All Your Favorite Shows Will Soon Be Canceled

Richard Lawson · 04/05/10 03:02PM

Well, three of the nerdy ones at least! Also today: Some really fresh ideas from the USA network, a Pushing Daisies favorite finds some work, and Butter continues to churn along.

Twilight Increases Its Oscar Chances

Richard Lawson · 03/16/10 09:17AM

By trying to bring in some top-notch directing talent! Also today: a new movie about butter finds its cast, more new shows from the Syfy channel, Paula Abdul has been located and is receiving care, and Muppets.

Tommy & Dee Call It Quits

cityfile · 08/06/08 05:33AM
  • Tommy Hilfiger and Dee Ocleppo were supposed to have two weddings coming up—one in Mustique and one at The Plaza—but now they're having none because the whole wedding has been called off. The Post's suggestion: "Maybe he should rethink his hairpiece." [Page Six]

World's Most Expensive Shirts Gather

Richard Lawson · 01/08/08 02:45PM

[Lance Bass et al at New York City's Club Butter, celebrating the 24th birthday of Bass's boyfriend, Ben Thigpen, Jan 7; image via INF]

Why Was Owen Wilson At Butter Last Night?

Emily Gould · 11/06/07 10:50AM

That little stretch of Lafayette where New York pretends to be L.A. was buzzing last night as strike-fearing actors packed into Butter. Says our spy, "Two stars from '30 Rock,' Kristina Bowen and Lonny Ross, were like, 'Um we are pretty much screwed. We have one more shooting script and that's It.' Lance Bass tried to join in on the convo, asking 'Wait does this affect talk shows....' His nose in person reminds me of Peter Pan. Plastic surgery is NOT his friend." But the biggest celeb in attendance was the Butterscotch Stallion himself, 'Darjeeling Express' star Owen Wilson, accompanied only by "a PR lady and two bodyguards." "He left in under 30 mins. It was a bit of a buzz killer—everyone was like 'Gasp—that's the Wilson brother who tried to kill himself.' It was such an odd reaction. Why is he going out anyway, you know?" To promote 'not being dead,' one assumes.