
Hipster Lofts Will Afford You "Respect and Dignity," Little Else

Sheila · 04/10/08 01:04PM

A Craigslist ad advertises our favorite Bushwick loft space, the McKibbin lofts! Those kids are always up to something, whether fighting bedbugs or fighting the police. The ad, for the 255 McKibbin (248 are the ones with bedbugs) neglects to mention the building's lame "Sausage Parties, a recent flyer for which read, "Sausage Fest testosterone and PBR fueled nights on the town with lukewarm passion and a taste for the tepid. Come to 255!" For $2150 to $3000 a month, we'd like Champagne parties! According to the building's Wikipedia page, an apartment of theirs exploded in 2005. But those problems are easily overcome with a little catchy ad copy:

McKibben Lofts Mysteriously Migrate, Hipsters Lose Netflix In Tragic Aftermath

Josh · 03/26/07 01:25PM

The two loft buildings on McKibben street—in the lands between the Morgan and Montrose L stops—rise like beacons of Manhattan developers' real plans for the wilderness of Brooklyn. But now this site, where the hipsters frolic in American Apparel and party until dawn appears, has strangely been uprooted, leaving many of its inhabitants confused.

Remainders: All the Crap That's Fit to Link

Jessica · 01/04/06 06:00PM

• Go forth, little mischief makers, and make your own subway sign — just because you can. [Subway Fun]
• If you read that Times article about a month ago about the magically irritating converted schoolhouse shared by a bunch of creatives in Bushwick and thought, "Hey, that's neat," now's your chance to move in. You're an idiot, but, hey, we're not judging. [Craigslist via Lindsayism]
• How she gets the scoops: Daily News gossip girl Jo Piazza is a kissing bandit. [NYO]
• Three of the top seven most emailed Times articles pertain to macaroni and cheese, and yet we wonder why America is the land of the obese. [NYT]
• Only the brave should listen to the new Kevin Federline track. We, as we've noted before, are total pussies. Knock yourselves out, though, and tell us how it goes. [Yahoo! Music]
• Whether or not author JT Leroy is real, at least the experience of figuring him out is decidedly surreal. [Guardian]

Resisting Gentrification

Jessica · 11/28/05 09:07AM

Funny: After we read the Times article about the overly precious artist's "combine" around Bushwick, we kinda thought the same thing.