Bronx Science Kids Organize For Something Other Than MIT College Fair
Maggie · 01/17/08 05:50PM
Kids these days, thinking they can facilitate change. 200 students at Bronx Science staged a walkout yesterday to demand their meanie principal be fired. Apparently she's sort of a dragon lady and insists on being called "Dr." without a medical license nor a doctorate. "She was fucking insistent on it,"an alum told us, despite the woman's denials to papers today. Oh and she wants to take away prom! "We don't even have a senior trip," this one kid whines on a video put together by the crack video team at the New York Post. Poor kinderlings! Actually, the Post's video, after the jump, is really the best part of this little drama. Education reporter Yoav Gonen looks (and sounds) like he'd rather die than be on film.