
'It Gets Better' for Gay Mormons, Too

Louis Peitzman · 04/07/12 01:42PM

Brigham Young University has been called one of the least LGBT-friendly campuses in the U.S.: according to the "It Gets Better" video produced by Brigham Young University students, 74 percent of LGBT students at BYU have considered suicide, and 24 percent have attempted suicide. The video was made by campus group Understanding Same-Gender Attraction (USGA), which is not officially recognized by the Mormon university.

Mormons Suspend Star Basketball Player for Having Sex

Brian Moylan · 03/03/11 06:31PM

Brandon Davies, star center for BYU's nationally-ranked basketball team, has been suspended for the rest of the season for breaking the Mormon school's honor code by having pre-marital sex. Davies apologized to his team this week. But the only thing he has to be sorry about is that he didn't pick a better school.