
Top 20 Party Schools, Top 20 Sober Schools All Sound Equally Horrible

Max Read · 08/20/12 05:34PM

We now take such things for granted, but it's important to remember that for hundreds of years after the fall of Rome, Europe underwent a long age of violence and terror, bereft of the wisdom and knowledge of the ancients, completely ignorant of which colleges were among the 20 Party Schools. We must consider ourselves lucky, then, that we live in an age where every year Princeton Review blesses us with a list of not just the Top 20 Party Schools but also a list of the Top 20 Stone-Cold Sober Campuses — a cornucopia of Schools We Would Never Want to Go To.

Utah Man Charged for Paying Dentist With Too Many Pennies

Lauri Apple · 06/04/11 04:02PM

Jason West of Vernal, Utah, allegedly annoyed his dentist very, very much by trying to pay an outstanding $25 bill with 2,500 pennies. The dentist—who's apparently a coin snob—ended up calling the cops, and now West is being charged with disorderly conduct.