
Is an Italian hottie the reason why Vista sucks?

Owen Thomas · 04/22/08 02:20PM

In 2001, Brian Valentine, then a top Microsoft executive, was pumped about Windows XP, as a spoof infomercial shows. By the time Vista was getting ready for release, his enthusiasm had waned. The reason? Some believe he was pining for Gianna Puerini, a sales manager who had left Microsoft for in 2003. In July 2006, Valentine secretly signed an employment contract with Microsoft did not reveal that he was leaving for until September 5, less than a week before he started his new job. The business rationale for hiding his departure was obvious: Valentine ran the team that was shipping its Windows Vista operating system. Losing their leader would have killed morale.

Did Microsoft lie about top exec's departure?

Owen Thomas · 02/18/08 04:32PM

The departure of Brian Valentine, a 19-year Microsoft veteran before he left in 2006, has always been a bit of a puzzle. In August of that year, Microsoft management told his staff he was taking a new job within the company after shipping Windows Vista. A month later, he left for Now, has cleared things up with a belated SEC filing: Microsoft lied to its employees. Here's the timetable: