
Robert Scoble, other Valley bon vivants subject of latest ego-stroking linkbait

Jackson West · 07/29/08 03:00PM

Vancouver-based NowPublic is ostensibly all about citizen journalism. But since Guy Kawasaki sold Truemors to it and signed up as an advisor, it's becoming better known for publishing flattering lists of "influencers," supposedly ranking them according to various social media metrics. The first "Most Public" list focused on New York, but a new list for the Valley and San Francisco is "coming soon." And by virtue of being included in the latest edition, we received an early copy as a press release. Who comes out on top? Ubiquitous attention slut Robert Scoble, naturally. Full list after the jump.

Lame as it ever was, TechCrunch party spawns much better afterparty

Alaska Miller · 07/28/08 02:40PM

TechCrunch editor Michael Arrington is viciously critical of Web startups that make their users pay for their wares. But he's perfectly happy to charge party sponsors for booths. The return on investment was hard to find at TechCrunch's annual party held at August Capital's Sand Hill Road offices on Friday. The booths, in the midst of free booze, pretty people, and business cards to swap, went completely unnoticed. The party, TechCrunch's third annual event held with the VC firm, was unremarkable. But the afterparty was legendary. We got in and took photos of the whole thing.

Sunday-night cocktail recipe: Sweet Caroline, dash of bitters, stir

Owen Thomas · 03/10/08 12:40PM

Think of a high-school reunion held the day after you graduate: That was the vibe at the Side Bar Sunday night, where Gawker Media (publisher of fine weblog media products) threw a party for Valleywag and our sister sites, io9 and Lifehacker. We won Twitter praise for the free beer and minimal line out front, despite the wall-to-wall crowd in the Side Bar's expansive patio. Valleywag alumna Megan McCarthy, whom I never see in San Francisco — yes, she's been avoiding me — showed up toting Wired's award for best website started before most SXSW attendees were born.Vile videoblogger Loren Feldman showed up and didn't say anything truly nasty, to my disappointment.Julia Allison appeared, dressed as Julia Allison with a furry, green hat. Scott Beale and Brian Solis were on hand lensing everyone; Beale caught me and Caroline McCarthy of having a moment, above. More photos, after the jump.

Natali Del Conte at Mooses

Owen Thomas · 01/18/08 08:11PM

So far at Natali Del Conte's going-away party: A VC (Stewart Alsop of Alsop Louie, pictured with Del Conte), two CEOs, a French startup guy, a stealth founder, a stats geek, a videoblogger, and some friends of Natali (who just happen to be really hot.) Brian Solis of is taking my picture as I type this. And Rafe Needleman of CNET just walked in. Come on over to Moose's and join the crowd.