
Voting Is Gay

Pareene · 10/11/05 08:22AM

Mayor Bloomberg has, according to the Post, hired Brian Ellner, failed candidate for Manhattan borough president, as his reelection campaign's token homosexual. You remember Brian, right? His campaign revolved around a) not being George Bush, and b) being, instead, the gayest gay in gaytown. And he created the only memorable commercial of the campaign: "I'm Brian Ellner and this is my partner, Simon," he says, as he pulls Simon into the frame long enough to hammer home that whole gay thing, but not long enough for Simon to, you know, say anything. And as liaison to the gay community for Mayor Bloomberg, Ellner himself can now expect similar treatment.

On the Street Where You Vote

Jesse · 09/13/05 10:30AM

We've been voting in Manhattan for nearly a decade. At three different polling places over the years. And in countless elections — we vote in everything: primaries and generals, federal and state and local. But we've never before seen anything like the craziness going on today in front of our current polling place, the Lesbain, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community Center on West 13th Street. (We love that we vote there, mostly because we imagine it's Karl Rove's worst nightmare: That someone has to be surrounded by the gays in order to vote.)

Brian Ellner's Discriminating Campaign

Jessica · 09/09/05 10:31AM

As the political primaries loom over our horizon and you all feign interest, Manhattan borough presidential candidate Brian Ellner has hit the pavement running. As if his commercial in which he briefly, lamely introduces his boyfriend for the sake of selling the poor sap out didn't convince you of Ellner's gay cred, a reader writes in with a report of his targeted campaigning:

Brian Ellner Ad Breaks Ground, Our Heart

Jesse · 08/29/05 03:49PM

We admit we've been strongly considering voting for the cute gay guy running for Manhattan borough president. This is mostly because it's a largely irrelevant job, so why not vote for the one who's fun to look at?