
Jake Gyllenhaal and Flash Gordon Battle For Most Hauntingly Evil New Franchise

STV ยท 05/21/08 03:55PM

The uninspired recycling of played-out mediocrity received a sleek bit of Hollywood upscaling over the last 24 hours, with no less than Jake Gyllenhaal, Christian Bale and the money gang at Sony Pictures climbing on the remake/franchise gravy train with some of the most appalling anti-ideas we've heard around these parts since that Donnie Darko sequel went fungal just before Cannes. After the jump, find out which of these warmed-over properties โ€” Prince Of Persia? Flash Gordon? Highlander? Terminators 4, 5 & 6? โ€” drove us to break our "No Drinking Before 5pm On Weekdays" rule.