STV · 03/27/08 01:07PM
Our tireless observation of the Liz Smith Dirty Old Lady beat has yielded its second bounty in a week, with the lesbian gossip icon waxing fanciful about Nicole Kidman's glorious, supple, unaugmented breasts. "I do recall Nicole saying to me in the distant past that she always felt she wasn't well-endowed and she wished she were," Smith wrote today on her site Wowowow, directing readers to a photo of her and Kidman. "Does this look like a girl who needed breast surgery? No, this is Nicole all natural as the good Lord made her at the Vanity Fair party Oscar night. I admire a fine belle poitrine as much as anyone, but I can't stand these added-on half grapefruits that look as unnatural as can be. I have known Nicole for a long time now and her natural assets were quite good enough to start with." No fans of bolt-ons ourselves, we're happy to have at least this modest overlap in taste in common with our hero; really, for a while there we thought we'd lost her. [Via Queerty]