
City Records Show Three Years Of 'NYT' Building Debris Complaints

Maggie · 02/01/08 11:55AM

Everybody knows The New York Times' newly-erected skyscraper home has been plagued by falling glass, ice and vermin. In December, the Department of Buildings dropped by the place to investigate after what we thought was the third time debris was reported to have fallen from the building. Not so! A look at records kept by the Department of Buildings shows that people have been complaining about flotsam and jetsam raining from the Renzo Piano building since construction began in 2005-18 of the 33 complaints on record about the building are related to material flying off of it. Screwdrivers, bolts, steel, glass, i-beams, what have you. There was the time that wet concrete fell on to some NYPD cars below. Oopsies! And the time an entire window fell from the sky onto a car below. Then there's the succinct complaint from July 31, 2007: "Something fell off the building." You don't say? Yikes. After the jump, peruse the records.

High Wind Advisory! Approach 'NYT' Building With Care!

Maggie · 01/30/08 12:11PM

Uh oh...there's a high wind advisory in New York today! Gusts up to 50 mph! Use extra caution! Especially if you find yourself in the vicinity of the New York Times building in Midtown. Seriously, watch your head, that skyscraper sheds parts like no tomorrow. Send us reports of any injuries please! After seeking medical attention, of course. Ahem.

'NYT' Skyscraper Investigated By City's Buildings Dept.

Maggie · 01/14/08 05:52PM

Trump Tower Soho isn't the only major new building in New York to fall into perilous disrepair of late. Last month, a couple of pedestrians walking by the New York Times' fancy-pantsy 8th Avenue building caught the wrong end of falling window glass from the skyscraper, broken by high winds. Two weeks later, sidewalks were shut down by falling ice that had formed around the building's ceramic rods. Then last Wednesday, seven windows on the 22nd, 10th and sixth floors were shattered by strong winds, prompting a Friday visit by the Department of Buildings.

Joshua Stein · 12/03/07 04:40PM

From the mailbag: "One or more of the giant glass windows apparently fell off the side of the NY Times building. There are fire trucks everywhere along 40th Street."