
mark · 08/09/07 06:26PM

Hold on, what? He was called back into court? No? Oops, nevermind. He's still done with jury duty. But please accept this link to a story about some moms who went to rock camp as our apology for any confusion we may have caused. [Newsweek]

mark · 08/09/07 06:04PM

Brad Pitt has been dismissed from jury duty. And thus ends Brad Pitt JuryDutyWatch. See you next year. [TMZ]

mark · 08/09/07 05:05PM

Breaking: Brad Pitt may have to perform civic duty. Oft-used "Don't you see how many kids I have to fucking take care of because my wife can't stop with the adoption nonsense?" excuse no longer flying with expasperated judge. Developing... [TMZ]