
26-Year-Old Founder Says He's Way Smarter Than 25-Year-Old Founders

Ryan Tate · 08/30/11 02:31PM

Don't begrudge Aaron Levie his $113 million in venture capital. Sure, his startup sounds an awful lot like Dropbox. And, yes, he's only 26. But at least he's not some snot nosed 25-year-old tech exec. Those guys are the worst, according to Aaron Levie.

In Googolopoly, buying Yahoo only costs Google 350 shares

Nicholas Carlson · 06/16/08 12:20PM

Online file storage and collaboration firm has created the perfect game for all those Googlebrats to play intheir new 18,500-sq. ft. luxury childcare center: not Monopoly, but Googolopoly. On the board, shown below, it's Microsoft instead of Boardwalk, Yahoo instead of Park Place — going for just 350 shares each. So far, real-life Google has already locked up the purples (YouTube, SketchUp and Keyhole); the light blues (Writely, JotSpot and BlogSpot); and the oranges (DoubleClick, GrandCentral and Urchin). Can you be as acquisitive as Larry and Sergey?