Uninspiring TV Blowhard Ed Schultz Fails To Inspire DC Rally
Jeff Neumann · 10/02/10 01:24PMLame Government Officially Shoots Down Nuking the Oil Spill
Adrian Chen · 06/02/10 09:54PMTeam Nordic Combined Is the Most Boring Olympic Sport
Adrian Chen · 02/23/10 09:58PMBut Wait, There's More! The Real David Paterson New York Times 'Bombshell'
Adrian Chen · 02/18/10 11:21PMGay Marriage Activists Vow to Make Most Boring YouTube Video Ever
Adrian Chen · 02/02/10 09:25PMLarry King's Suspender Watch: Blue and Boring
Adrian Chen · 11/10/09 09:06PMNot Liveblogging the Democratic National Convention
Pareene · 08/25/08 04:16PM
The convention just started!!! Howard Dean screamed (with his eyes, anyway) and now a lady is praying! Then the announcer lady from the Oscars introduced some Navajo Indians who are presenting the colors. The colors of the USA, the country that tried to kill them all. Then a lady said the pledge of allegiance and a chorus of children sang the national anthem and killed all Navajo dudes' cattle. Oh, Wolf just explained that those guys were the Navajo code-talkers from WWII. They are heroes and patriots! Jack Cafferty is babbling about how he is stealing things from Wolf's office as Wolf flies from Denver to Saint Paul in his tiny flying machine. Barack Obama is not even there yet! Someone here will tell you about Michelle Obama's speech, later tonight, probably. Now you are informed.