
Americans: Afraid of Freemasons, Canada, Alex Rodriguez

Max Read · 03/24/10 12:29AM

Now that tea partiers have proven that what Americans don't want is health-care coverage, we're forced to ask: What do Americans want? To be reassured God loves us and that death is no big deal. Also: To be scared shitless!

Online Mob Savages Michael Lewis Book

Ryan Tate · 03/23/10 11:58AM

If you see someone toting a Kindle onto the subway, give them space: Judging from what owners of the e-book reader have done to author Michael Lewis, they can be some seriously mean and vengeful nerds.

Shocker: Nation Slowly Giving Up on Books

Richard Lawson · 03/22/10 12:08PM

The Association of American Publishers just released their January sales figures and, predictably, fewer people want books. Adult hardcovers were hit pretty hard, dropping 8.1% from '09. Also drastically down were YA fiction hardcovers and paperbacks. No new Twilight? [Galleycat]

Vicious Attack Ad Targets Karl Rove's Book

Ryan Tate · 03/16/10 08:21PM

The authors of the business book Rework noticed Karl Rove was standing between them and the number one bestseller slot on So they created this awesomely fun takedown of the Republican strategist's Courage and Consequence. It's positively Rovian.

Thinly-Veiled Novel About Gossip Bloggers Coming Soon

Hamilton Nolan · 03/10/10 01:13PM

Gossip about a book about about gossip about books and whatnot! Lately we've said to ourselves, "What this city needs is another thinly-veiled fictionalized tale of various media types doing their dramatic NYC thing." Hello, we hear one is coming!

Naked Senator Is Working on a Memoir

Maureen O'Connor · 03/10/10 01:28AM

Scott Brown, Massachusetts Republican and former Cosmo centerfold, is working on a memoir scheduled to hit shelves in 2011. He may be stuck in Teddy Kennedy's old seat, but he'll become the male Sarah Palin, yet. [AP]

How to Turn a Book Into a Secret Hiding Place

Zach Mack · 03/03/10 11:00AM

There's something inherently cool about stashing your valuables in a hollowed out book. This video shows you how to turn an old book into a secret stash spot. Trust me: it'll make you feel like a badass.