Galleycat's Male Gaze
Emily · 05/11/07 03:32PM
Declawed book-business blog Galleycat is once again hosting a poll about which authors are hot. So far, 441 people have voted, mostly for Kunkel-feuding debut novelist Katherine Taylor. But that's unshocking given that the other options included Marisha Pessl, Jodi Picoult, and "this question is demeaning." Way to inoculate yourself against charges of sexism and objectification there! Except ... sorry, Ron Hogan. You're still totally creepy about the book hotties, and getting creepier with every post.
Is Jeff Hobbs The New New F. Scott Fitzgerald?
Emily · 04/24/07 04:20PM
"If F. Scott Fitzgerald had gone to Yale instead of Princeton, set his novel among precociously successful designers and financiers, with a struggling freelance journalist rather than a Midwestern bond dealer narrating, it might have turned out a bit like "The Tourists," a new novel by a 27-year-old Angeleno transplant named Jeff Hobbs," begins Scott Timberg's LA Times mag tongue job about that precocious novelist. "I'm almost embarrassed by the comparison," Hobbs is then quoted as saying. How modest and cute! Also cute: that author photo with a doggie woggie! This book must be great. Hey, look, there's a copy of it lying around our offices! Let's dive right in.