
Emily Gould · 06/07/07 02:49PM

Manhattan banker Jeffrey Lemerond is suing Twentieth Century Fox over the "public ridicule, degradation, and humiliation" he supposedly incurred while being chased down the street by Borat. [TSG]

Bloggers: Hurting Feelings, Providing Easy Column Topics Since 1999

abalk2 · 01/04/07 02:10PM

I'd like to ask one thing from the blogger at large. When tossing out those five-times-daily updates, please pause to consider both your reputation and the fragile ego of the artist. Blogs are not private diaries. There's always the possibility that someone might actually take what you have to say to heart. There's always the chance that what you write might cause someone to decide not to read a particular book, hire a particular individual or invite someone to their party. A blog is an inconsequential space with consequences. All I ask is that bloggers occasionally stop and remind themselves that the person they're writing about is not only real, but perfectly capable of typing his name into a search engine. Remember bloggers: We're out there. And if we know what's good for us, we're paying attention.