
J.K. Trotter · 12/16/13 09:34AM

Officials at Harvard University are instructing students to evacuate four campus buildings, including a freshman dorm, following unconfirmed reports of explosives placed inside.

Someone Mailed a Bomb Threat to NPR!

Max Read · 10/26/10 10:16PM

NPR received a bomb threat in the mail today, prompting the news organization to take extra security precautions and "generally [be] more vigilant." Was it related to the termination of commentator Juan Williams? Or just a pledge drive gone wrong?

Mark Graham · 10/01/08 12:35PM

Stop Us If You Think That You've Heard This One Before: We're all outta Valkyrie jokes at this point, but it is our civic duty to relay to you that the MGM building has been evacuated this morning due to a bomb threat. As you'll no doubt recall, this same thing happened last Friday and also in early August. And for those of you keeping score at home, the storied Constellation Blvd. office building has also suffered anthrax threats and an unprovoked attack of killer bees in the last two months. If you want more information, we have the email sent out to employees after the jump.——————