
Blog-wiki gang wars

ndouglas · 04/11/06 03:39PM

Yesterday, Metroblogging co-founder Sean Bonner slammed t-shirt seller Threadless for throwing up what he threw down: the blog gangsign. Then BoingBoing picked up the story and taught the controversy: Sean Bonner invented not only the blog sign, but the Bloods gang sign, and he makes five cents every time the gang (a REAL GANG. with BLACK PEOPLE) throws the sign. (It must be true! It's on a blog!)

Sites being censored by adult baby fetishist

ndouglas · 03/09/06 10:32AM

Metroblogging cofounder Sean Bonner outs a filtering director at Secure Computing as an adult baby fetishist. Tomo Foote-Lennox, who wrote to Boing Boing blogger Xeni Jardin that he wants to "protect the kids" from the evil nakedness on the Internets, is either a diaper-loving fetishist socialite or the victim of the worst naming coincidence ever.

The Ken Courtney challenge, Pt. 2

Gawker · 03/17/03 09:23AM

Several weeks ago, BoingBoing blogger Xeni Jardin issued a challenge to Brooklyn fashion entrepreneur Ken Courtney (of "I fucked Gisele" t-shirt fame.) She wanted an "I fucked John Ashcroft" t-shirt. Ken writes in, "the owner of RAGS A GO GO on 14th street is the proud new owner of an I FUCKED JOHN ASHCROFT tee." His email signature: "I'M ONLY DOING THIS TO GET INVITED TO BETTER PARTIES." So are we, Ken. So are we.