
Intravenous Drips: Not Just For the Hospitalized

cityfile · 09/17/08 07:35AM

Detoxing (the respectable way to refer to starving yourself to drop as many pounds as possible in as short a time as possible) has been cleverly co-opted by makers of "cleanse" drinks, like Blueprint (Tatiana Boncompagni's favorite, just $75 for a day's worth of vegetable water!), which has replaced last year's cayenne pepper and maple syrup "master cleanse" as the fashionable way to get skinny while pretending you're relieving your organs of toxins. The new issue of Allure dedicates an entire feature to "detox diets," with quotes from the pushers of drinks like Blueprint and their devotees. Sorry Allure, simply replacing solid food with liquid is passé—anyone who's anyone is removing the digestive system from the equation entirely and hooking themselves up to an IV.