
Fashion Blogger Gets Dressed Down By CFDA Publicist

Emily Gould · 06/07/07 03:39PM

Julie Fredrickson, the young lady who founded the fashion blog Coutorture after learning via a Glamour internship that fashion ladies are bitches, has discovered another hard truth about that world: Sometimes, it's a tough place to be the new kid on the block. In a post today, she takes issue with the fact that reporters from large, deep-pocketed news organizations paid for their tickets to the Council of Fashion Designers of America awards ceremony on Monday—even though they would've been comped anyway—while bloggers like herself, who 'couldn't afford' to buy a ticket, were shut out. It's not fair! What is interesting, though, is the email explaining the situation that Julie received from publicist Bonnie Morrison (pictured). As documents of sheer snotty bitchery go, it belongs in a hall of fame alongside... umm... Socrates'rebuke of Alcibiades in the Symposium!