
It's Mark Zuckerberg's 28th Birthday

Adrian Chen · 05/14/12 09:04AM

Boy King Mark Zuckerberg turned 28 today, striking fear and loathing into the hearts of everyone who is not a 28-year-old billionaire. Facebook will go public this week in an IPO that could value the company as high as $100 billion.

Is 4chan Turning Into Internet Good Guys?

Adrian Chen · 09/02/10 10:01PM

4chan, the anarchic Internet messageboard, appears to be experiencing an identity crisis. Whereas terror campaigns against tweens were once planned amid stomach-churning images, a strong streak of do-gooderism has taken hold. In fact, 4chan is being downright nice these days.

World's Angriest Cat Is Not Amused By His Birthday Song

Matt Cherette · 08/24/10 03:10PM

Here's a video of a cat—a seemingly very, very angry cat—being completely unamused by the adorable, "Happy Birthday!" song that his owners (or owners' kids?) are singing to him. That said, since when do cats have birthday parties?

The Worst First Birthday Ever

nightintern · 05/27/10 08:30AM

I'm pretty sure this kid didn't get his wish granted after they sung "Happy Birthday" and blew out the candles.

The Madonna-Turns-50 Thread

ian spiegelman · 08/16/08 02:01PM

It's Madonna's 50th birthday today! And not 36 like her whacky religion says. Anywho, just to ensure that this event doesn't encroach upon some perfectly innocent item, please feel free to celebrate-or bash-the most famous woman on earth on her B-day to your heart's content in the comments. And if you come across other pics of her from back when she was adorable, that would be awesome too!

Sub Pop Captures the Space Needle

ian spiegelman · 07/12/08 01:47PM

Grunge-breaking, Nirvana-discovering Sub Pop Records turned 20 this week! Awww! To celebrate, they mounted an attack on the Seattle Space Needle, and proudly flew their freak flag. And it was actually sunny for the event. Happy birthday guys! Video of the siege after the jump.

Balthazar Birthday Chaos

Josh · 04/23/07 02:36PM

It's Balthazar's birthday today and like the good friend we are, we dropped by. Well, like an acquaintance, really, we crashed the party, assured that our presence would be much appreciated. To celebrate his baby turning 10, Kieth McNally is giving away free champagne. a fact that all but ensured that the place would be fully booked through the day into the night and stuffed with tipsy giddy diners.