
Meet John Arnold, the Role Model for Billionaires

Hamilton Nolan · 05/17/13 02:17PM

Often, when we hear of some finance wizard accumulating a vast fortune at a young age just by moving money around, we grumble, "That rich asshole should just retire and give all his money away to charity." To our amazement, one richie is doing exactly that! Meet James Arnold, the billionaire who acts how you wish billionaires would act.

How Much Racist Ranting Does It Take to End Mel Gibson's Career?

Adrian Chen · 07/10/10 09:26AM

Mel Gibson gets dropped by his talent agency. Ryan Seacrest picks up the tab. Lindsay Lohan won't be able to smoke in prison. James Franco dishes on fake sex with Julia Roberts. Saturday's gossip roundup looks like a Vegas Whore.