
Jack the Giant Killer: A Boy Learns About Beans, the Magical Fruit

Leah Beckmann · 12/16/11 04:00PM

Jack the Giant Killer, from X-Men director Bryan Singer, is the latest in a string of classic fairy tales darkly adapted for the screen. The problem with these is that they try so hard to avoid the kiss of box office death that is the for-kids-and-adults genre, that they end up being a silly, self-conscious incarnation of the anti-family flick and up looking like a Twilight afterthought, aesthetically anyway. And thus we have Jack, a retelling of Jack and the Beanstalk featuring Nicholas Hoult, the kid from the British Skins.

Jake Gyllenhaal And Reese Witherspoon Comfort Each Other Before Flight To Burbank

seth · 11/16/07 04:30PM

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