Director Bill Levesque and producer Brett Bonthron on "Weekend King"
Jackson West · 05/30/08 07:00PM
Weekend King, the low-budget feature written and directed by Microsoft's Bill Levesque and produced by his colleague Brett Bonthron, has had its run at the Victoria Theater extended for three more weeks, playing tomorrow night at 7 p.m. The film won't win any Oscars, but I can see why audiences have responded well: As a comedy of manners set in the Valley, it captures much of the anxiety amongst the legions of post-boom cube dwellers who toil on the peninsula. In an interview at Valleywag hangout Caffe Roma, Levesque and Bonthron admitted the film needed some work in post-production, but were emphatic that it be seen with an audience — joking that I should insert my own laugh track into the screener DVD they provided to mimic the experience.