
NYPD Officers Fight Each Other at Tense Union Meeting: "It Got Ugly"

Jordan Sargent · 01/13/15 07:00PM

It turns out the seething, misplaced rage of the NYPD that has been brewing since the murder of officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu last month isn't directed solely at the citizens of New York City and Mayor Bill de Blasio. Today at a Patrolmen's Benevolent Association meeting in Queens led by union president and spoiled ham sandwich Patrick Lynch, members of New York's finest turned on each other, shouting and shoving each other over whether or not the department should be waiting around for an apology from de Blasio.

Oh Bill

J.K. Trotter · 01/08/15 03:25PM

The Bill de Blasio Marijuana Rumors are Coming from Cops

J.K. Trotter · 01/08/15 12:26PM

For the bulk of his tenure, New York City mayor Bill de Blasio has been dogged by rumors that he and his wife consume marijuana with some frequency. Yesterday, at a press conference in Brooklyn, he told a Daily Caller reporter that “I haven’t smoked marijuana since I was at NYU” and denied he ever smoked weed at Gracie Mansion, the official residence of the mayor. We’ve asked about these rumors ourselves. It’s worth highlighting, however, who exactly is spreading them: The mayor’s security detail and their colleagues in the New York City Police Department.

Don't Hate the NYPD for Protesting, Hate Them For Why They Did It

Jordan Sargent · 12/30/14 02:00PM

As the outrage winds have swirled around the NYPD's decision to turn their backs to Bill De Blasio at the funeral of murdered officer Rafael Ramos, some in the police force's corner have been compelled to bend in the other direction. This weekend, both NYPD commissioner Bill Bratton and semi-professional police state spokesperson Rudy Giulinai distanced themselves from the police protest, with Bratton calling the demonstration "inappropriate." They are right, but for the wrong reasons.

NYPD Union President Patrick Lynch Is Completely Nuts: A History

J.K. Trotter · 12/22/14 03:39PM

Patrick Lynch is the 51-year-old president of the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, the largest and most influential union of the New York City Police Department. You might recognize his name: Over the weekend, Lynch blamed Bill de Blasio for the Saturday deaths of two Brooklyn cops who were murdered by a lone gunman from Georgia. “That blood on the hands,” he said at a press conference, “starts on the steps of City Hall, in the office of the mayor.”

Here Are the Scumbags Blaming de Blasio and Obama for Slain Cops

Hudson Hongo · 12/21/14 03:45PM

After shooting his girlfriend Saturday morning, 28-year-old Ismaaiyl Brinsley of Union City, Georgia traveled from Baltimore to New York and gunned down two NYPD officers, apparently in retaliation for recent police-related homicides. According to some commentators, however, Brinsley was only partially responsible for the murders, aided by accomplices Bill de Blasio and Barack Obama.

New York's Law Enforcement Unions Are Filled With Pathetic Crybabies

Andy Cush · 12/19/14 03:35PM

Patrick Lynch, chairman of the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association and head spokesbaby for the inconsolable id of the NYPD, gave a private speech to his union last week. Bill de Blasio "is not running the city of New York," he said in response to a series of perceived slights from City Hall. "He thinks he's running a fucking revolution." The raging toddlers in attendance howled and smacked their tiny palms together in approval.

Is There a Bill de Blasio Sex Tape?

J.K. Trotter · 12/10/14 12:40PM

Here is an interesting story: The New York Times points out today that the January 2015 issue of Vanity Fair contains a reference to a sex tape depicting New York City mayor Bill de Blasio. Let’s look. First, check out the cover: