
Here's Audio of What Sounds Like an NYPD Captain Pressuring an Officer to Target Black Men

Andy Cush · 07/13/16 12:20PM

When NYPD officer Michael Birch was summoned into a performance evaluation meeting with his commanding officer and a lieutenant one day in August 2012, he was expecting to hear more of what he’d heard in the past about the way he did his job: that he wasn’t generating enough “activity.” As an officer in the transit bureau, he says, that meant being told to issue more summonses for fare evasion, and arresting more people for stealing fellow straphangers’ cell phones.

The NYPD Is Run by an Out-of-Touch Old Man

Hamilton Nolan · 02/04/16 09:48AM

Bill Bratton, the head of the NYPD, presides over an army of 35,000 officers and dictates law enforcement policy for a sprawling metropolis. He is also scared of riding the subway.

Bratton and Kelly’s Ridiculous NYPD Feud Is All About Ego

Andy Cush · 01/04/16 12:26PM

The ultimate joke of Ray Kelly and Bill Bratton’s blustery war over the manipulation of crime statistics is that both men have done it. That isn’t speculation: the NYPD under Kelly and the LAPD under Bratton were both shown, through rigorous reporting, to have massaged stats with the presumable intent of making their cities look safer. But if the fight isn’t really about the stats, what could it possibly be about?

NYPD to Ask Officers to Meticulously Report Every Beatdown Doled Out

Andy Cush · 10/01/15 11:40AM

Next time you have your ass handed to you by a member of New York’s finest—be it a hotheaded rookie who plays by his own rules or a grizzled veteran who’s too old for this shit—you’ll have the comfort of knowing that the officer is under strict orders to carefully report every aspect of the smackdown. Will he actually do so accurately? That’s a good question.

Bill Bratton Thinks More New Yorkers Should Be in Jail

Andy Cush · 08/05/15 02:48PM

NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton wants to put you in jail and make sure you stay there. Well, only if you’re a bad guy. Good guys—you’re OK. No worries. Bad guys—get your naughty butts to the slammer.