
Cops Accused of Starting Fire as Charred Body Found in 'Dorner' Cabin

Max Read · 02/13/13 08:22AM

After hours of confusion and misreporting as police waited for fire to dissipate and temperatures to cool, authorities confirmed that a charred body was found in the smoldering cabin where a suspect believed to be Christopher Jordan Dorner, the ex-LAPD officer who allegedly killed four people over a weeklong campaign of terror against his former employers, exchanged fire with police over several hours yesterday. A forensics team will conclusively identify the remains, which are assumed to be Dorner's.

Ask A Veteran Reality Show Casting Producer About the Secrets of Reality TV

Adrian Chen · 07/25/12 12:48PM

Ever wondered how reality shows get stocked with the characters who entertain you each week with their drunken antics, home-buying travails and/or deep sea fishing exploits? Now is your chance to ask a veteran reality show casting producer about the secrets of his craft.

High School Yearbook Publishes Kiddie Porn by Accident

Brian Moylan · 06/16/11 04:56PM

Big Bear High School in California has recalled all of its students' yearbooks after it was discovered that photos of child porn were published in the yearbook by mistake. If students don't return the book, they'll be in danger of being arrested for possessing kiddie porn. Zoinks!

Will Ferrell Admirably Unafraid To Use His Body To Sell Some Tickets

mark · 02/13/08 05:55PM

Sure, the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue spread showing Will Ferrell pawing at a bikini- clad Heidi Klum was a mildly titillating stab at selling the movie with skin, but we suppose the magazine's decency standards prevented New Line's marketing team from doing what they really needed to do to push Semi-Pro: strip Ferrell to his tube socks, blow out his thicket of chest hair, and hand him a genital-obscuring, ABA-regulation prop. Mercifully, basketball doesn't employ the kind of phallus-shaped equipment that might have tempted the studio to take the photo in a more tumescent direction.

Size And Money

Hamilton Nolan · 02/11/08 03:39PM

Magazines are getting larger, to sell more expensive ads. Newspapers are getting smaller, to cut costs. Attention spans: shorter. [Ad Age]

mark · 11/07/07 02:45PM

Another set-disrupting Writers Guild Strike Force has gone on the attack, descending upon a downtown location shoot for ABC's Big Shots in hopes of ruining some takes with the joyful noise of labor strife. A tipster reports from the scene, where it seems that star Christopher Titus has thus far avoided the fate of physically weaker Desperate Housewives hostage Eva Longoria: "I work on 5th and Spring Downtown and strikers were disrupting the filming of some Christopher Titus show. I know this because I walked into Titus' chest. He's tall and tan and seemed to be laughing about the antics. I think the crew was pissed. I overheard 'What benefits they get in the WGA?' Response: 'A lot.'"