
Justin Bieber Cut His Hair

Adrian Chen · 11/28/10 01:50PM

Justin Bieber's hair is a little different! On Friday, Bieber unveiled this new, less mop-like 'do. Reaction on Twitter was swift: "WITH HAIR CUT OR NOT THE JUSTIN BIEBER IS BEAUTIFUL IN ANY WAY." Will Bieber's strength now fade, Samson-like?

The Night Twitter Turned on Justin Bieber

Adrian Chen · 09/20/10 10:34PM

This is a historic night! Currently, #getsomejustin is a trending topic on Twitter: It's the first Twitter trend started by Justin Bieber fans with the express intent of tormenting Justin Bieber. The Bieberacolypse has begun.

Inside the Weird World of Justin Bieber Micro-Gossip

Adrian Chen · 08/13/10 01:57AM

Internet fandom has existed since the dawn of the Internet. But Justin Bieber's fans have pioneered a strange new form: Justin Bieber micro-gossip, which painstakingly chronicles the obscure controversies and characters only a true Belieber can follow.