
The Weekend That Was

cityfile · 08/25/08 12:30PM

1) Bronson van Wyck and Andrew Fry (left) held a "Sunset Supper" at their house in Southampton for guests including Aby and Samantha Boardman Rosen, Peggy Siegal, Eric Villency, Fernanda Niven, Alex Kramer, and Peter Davis, who were served caviar in little lumps on their hands. According to Davis: "Caviar is the new cocaine... it's decadent and totally rehab-free!" Just think how disappointed his dealer's going to be when he catches wind of this. [Paper]

A-Rod Strikes Back

cityfile · 07/31/08 05:26AM
  • Alex Rodriguez is expected to file divorce papers of his own in a Miami court today: He's wants his prenup enforced and any charges that he cheated on wife Cynthia removed from the record. [NYDN]