
Lacey Donohue · 12/28/13 05:24PM

A comprehensive New York Times investigation into the deadly 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi found no evidence of involvement by al-Qaeda or other terrorist groups; in fact, according to the report, the attack was largely fueled by anger at the American-made video "The Innocence of Muslims."

It’s Time For 60 Minutes to Die

J.K. Trotter · 12/17/13 04:38PM

60 Minutes, CBS News’ hour-long Sunday newsmagazine, had a good run during its 45 year history, during which its target cohort had kids and retired to Florida. But as the last month indicates—Benghazi! Amazon drones! NSA!—it’s time for the glossy production to clean house. Or, more likely, die.

SNL Brilliantly Skewers Rob Ford and 60 Minutes

Gabrielle Bluestone · 11/17/13 04:15PM

Every so often, a beautiful sort of kismet occurs on Saturday Night Live, when a public figure goes off the rails and an SNL comic is perfectly positioned to mock them mercilessly. It happened for Will Ferrell with George Bush and Tina Fey with Sarah Palin. Now it's Bobby Moynihan's turn — and the man was born to play Rob Ford.

CBS Retracts Bombshell Benghazi Report Over Lying Source

J.K. Trotter · 11/08/13 12:22PM

Today CBS newsmagazine 60 Minutes retracted its bombshell report about security failures during the September 11, 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya. The embarrassing retraction, announced on CBS This Morning by Lara Logan, came nearly a week after The Washington Post challenged the veracity of one of 60 Minutes’ sources, a security contractor named Dylan Davies, and hours after the New York Times revealed that Davies supplied FBI investigators with a very different story.

The CIA is Taking "Unprecedented Attempts" to Stop Leaks About Benghazi

Maggie Lange · 08/02/13 08:03AM

The CIA is reportedly going to unprecedented measures to halt its operatives from speaking to the press or Congress about its role in Benghazi, Libya. According to a CNN report, the agency is holding monthly polygraph tests and using intimidation with its operatives involved in Benghazi at the time of last year's September 11 attacks. Though little is known about what the agency was doing, the CIA is intent on silencing any information about its role. One source said:

Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/27/13 03:29PM

More than 1,000 inmates just escaped from a prison near Benghazi. Most of the inmates were being held on "serious charges."

White House Releases 100 Pages of Benghazi Emails

Taylor Berman · 05/15/13 07:21PM

This Benghazi shit just won't stop: On Wednesday, the White House released more than 100 pages of emails showing the modification of various talking points by Obama administration officials, the CIA, and the State Department in the immediate aftermath of last September's attack. The emails reportedly suggest that the CIA took the lead in shaping the talking points to describe the attack, which killed U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

CNN Says ABC's Benghazi Scoop Used a Fake Quote

Tom Scocca · 05/14/13 03:17PM

Remember last week, when ABC News caught the Obama administration red-handed, manipulating its talking points about last year's fatal attack in Benghazi? In that account of the editing chain, ABC's Jonathan Karl reported that one email had specifically asked for the State Department to be protected. According to the orthodox theory of Benghazi-as-Watergate, this demonstrated that the White House was more interested in spinning things to protect the Obama 2012/Hillary 2016 presidential campaigns than it was in presenting the truth.

Ken Layne · 05/13/13 06:03PM

"Of the 41 percent of Republicans who consider Benghazi to be the worst political scandal in American history, 39 percent are unaware that Benghazi is located in Libya. 10 percent said it's in Egypt, 9 percent in Iran, 6 percent in Cuba, 5 percent in Syria, 4 percent in Iraq, and 1 percent in North Korea and Liberia."

What the Fuck Is All This Benghazi Shit: An Explainer

Max Read · 05/10/13 04:35PM

Your uncle has been posting on Facebook about "Benghazi" or whatever for months now, and you have no clue what the fuck he's talking about because, really, you don't have time for this shit. It's OK. We do. Here's your guide.

Are the Benghazi Hearings as Revelatory as the GOP Wanted?

Maggie Lange · 05/08/13 04:20PM

At the Benghazi hearings being held today in Washington, prominent Republicans and witnesses are criticizing the Obama administration's response to last year's attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya. The attack on the compound last year on September 11, killed four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens.

GOP House Declares Bullshit War on a Popular Clinton, Again

Adam Weinstein · 04/24/13 09:35AM

Everything old is new again. Congressional Republicans issued a report on the 2012 Benghazi consulate attacks yesterday that basically blames then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for everything—and calls her a liar to boot.

Hacked Emails Show Hillary Clinton Was Receiving Advice at a Private Email Account From Banned, Obama-Hating Former Staffer

John Cook · 03/20/13 03:39PM

As the Smoking Gun and others have reported, a hacker calling himself (or herself) "Guccifer" claims to have compromised the email account of former Clinton aide Sidney Blumenthal, revealing memos that Blumenthal purportedly wrote to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton about Benghazi and other matters. What seems to have escaped notice is that Blumenthal, a fierce Clinton partisan in the 1990s, was the orchestrator of a subterranean smear campaign against Obama during the Democratic primary and was specifically spiked by the White House as a potential staffer for Clinton when she became Secretary of State. And he was sending notes to Clinton at a private, non-governmental email address. Did Obama know Clinton was consulting with the guy who tried to kneecap him?

Hillary Clinton and Our National Chick Threat

Mobutu Sese Seko · 01/28/13 11:30AM

If you want a clear picture of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's Benghazi testimony before Congress last week, skip the full ordeal on C-SPAN and watch the laborious spin attempt in the aftermath. It was a risible experience, born of incoherence and quickly metastasizing into cheap tropes of feminine wiles. Clinton could only have been more treacherous and deadly if she'd walked into the GOP's office and hired it for $25 per day, plus expenses, to find her missing brother.