
The CIA is Taking "Unprecedented Attempts" to Stop Leaks About Benghazi

Maggie Lange · 08/02/13 08:03AM

The CIA is reportedly going to unprecedented measures to halt its operatives from speaking to the press or Congress about its role in Benghazi, Libya. According to a CNN report, the agency is holding monthly polygraph tests and using intimidation with its operatives involved in Benghazi at the time of last year's September 11 attacks. Though little is known about what the agency was doing, the CIA is intent on silencing any information about its role. One source said:

Are the Benghazi Hearings as Revelatory as the GOP Wanted?

Maggie Lange · 05/08/13 04:20PM

At the Benghazi hearings being held today in Washington, prominent Republicans and witnesses are criticizing the Obama administration's response to last year's attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya. The attack on the compound last year on September 11, killed four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens.