
GM Fires Tiger Woods, Pencil Suppliers

Hamilton Nolan · 11/24/08 03:28PM

Floundering maker of autos GM got slammed for flying its executives to Washington on private jets to beg for a government bailout. They were denied, so now they've decided to cut back on every last unnecessary expense. And today, the company announced that it's going to end its $8 million per year endorsement contract with Tiger Woods. Though GM swears that, hey, this has nothing to do with their desperate quest for a bailout—"the purely coincidental." (Bullshit, judging purely on outward appearance). Where else is the company cutting costs? Everywhere, starting with the paper towels!:

Maggie · 12/04/07 11:45AM

"The Viacom contractors also lost 401ks. Holiday pay as well as vacation, too," a source confirms. Contractors at Viacom had 401ks and holiday pay? Who knew?