
Heidi Julavits: killing snark

Gawker · 05/07/03 09:32AM

Heidi Julavits, the editor of the McSweeney's-distributed book review mag, The Believer, has a problem with "snark" which she describes as a "hostile, knowing, bitter tone of contempt." She'd probably hate Gawker. (Although I think her definition is totally inaccurate with regard to actual intentions.) The magazine was, in part, prompted by a nasty review written by one of her ex-husband's friends, although she denies that any antipathy for her ex caused her to react so violently to the review. "It's definitely bizarre," she says, "but Dave Eggers is friends with Sam and whatever, so it's alleverybody knows everybody in one way or another." [Emphasis mine. You'll see that again. Like, tomorrow. Stay tuned.] In defense of snark: criticism is not always hostility. Sometimes, it's just honest feedback.
Hunting snark: Heidi Julavits stomps a virus. [Observer]

Radar vs. The Believer

Gawker · 04/30/03 05:36PM

Tim from Traveler's Diagram compares-and-contrasts The Believer and Radar:
idea of a good time...
Blvr: Reading the William T. Vollmann oeuvre
Rdr: Mohitos with Monica
Blvr: Wes Anderson
Rdr: Kurt Andersen
could be called...
Blvr: Off-the-Radar
Rdr: The Non-Believer
Believer vs. Radar [Traveler's Diagram]
[Disclosure: I'm now writing for Radar. So, uh...yeah. I like it. It's the closest thing I can find to my beloved SPY. Tim, however, disagrees.]

The Believer, Dave Eggers, etc.

Gawker · 04/12/03 03:43PM

YankTheChain's Eric Rosenfield reviews Heidi Julavits' literary criticism mag, The Believer, and makes a case for Why Dave Eggers Isn't So Bad and Why The Believer Isn't All Crap. [My description; not his.] His argument sounds familiar: Eggers/Julavits/McSweeney's have their faults, but at least they're trying to stir things up. The less polite version usually goes something like this: "Dave Eggers sucks. McSweeney's sucks. But, hey, indie publishing is cool. (Very small, nearly insignificant) kudos to Eggers on that one!" A friend of Rosenfield's disagrees: "Our own JF Quackenbush has trouble discussing Eggers without using phrases like 'subliterate postmodern flippancy.' I told him I was going down the McSweeney's Store in Brooklyn for research and asked him if he wanted me to ask anything; he said, 'please ask them to knock it off.'"
Regarding Dave Eggers [YankTheChain]

The Believer

Gawker · 04/01/03 03:16PM

As previously reported, Dave Eggers of McSweeney's is distributing a new magazine called The Believer (the brainchild of Heidi Julavits). The "indie" publication features pieces by up-and-coming "indie" writers like Salman Rushdie, Robert Olmstead, and Anne Carson. (Oh wait, it's "Be Nice to Celebrities Day." Sorry. This is very painful for me.) Actually a friend of mine subscribed and says it's very good and it even "smells nice"always the mark of high-quality literature. I haven't seen it yet, so it's probably quite lovely. I'd probably even like itand hate myself for liking it. (See? That was nice...ish.)
New magazine has an abiding faith in the good book review [LA Times]
The Believer
UPDATE: Felix Salmon reviews The Believer, a magazine about reviews.
The Believer []