
Happy Bastille Day, Jean-Louis Gassée

Owen Thomas · 07/14/08 08:00PM

Some have suggested we observe Bastille Day by giving a shoutout to local Frenchepreneur Loic Le Meur. Sorry, Loic, but we still think you're a guy from Kentucky with a convincingly fake accent. Instead, we're saluting Jean-Louis Gassé. I know what the non-olds among the audience are thinking right now: Qui? Gassé was a quote-slinging controversialist who famously sparred with Steve Jobs at Apple, wore an earring and a leather jacket, and talked to Wired about his nipples. Like Jobs, he left Apple to launch a hardware startup that turned into a software startup, Be Inc.

Dude Better Take Those Spring Break Pics Off His Facebook

Emily Gould · 08/03/07 03:15PM

This was such a magical week for comments, you guys. Seriously! (A circle jerk of hilarity amid the vituperation!) We sometimes found ourselves laughing so hard we cried. Laughing and crying, you know, it's the same release.