
Wow—Finally Some Honesty From the Government

Brendan O'Connor · 03/16/16 09:55PM

The trains around San Francisco (the BART, or “Bay Area Rapid Transit”) is a mess tonight, as it is most nights. Just ask anyone from San Francisco! Tonight is such a mess, though, that whoever runs the @SFBART Twitter account decided to be very honest with its indignant followers.

Heart of Blandness: A Walking Tour of Silicon Valley

Ken Layne · 02/28/14 05:19PM

Walking is the only pleasant form of traveling by land. You need no special equipment, training, money, e-tickets, antidepressants, or Twitter followers. Whatever clothes you're wearing will do fine; a hat and shoes are optional. When I've got a few days to spend somewhere, I spend them walking around. So I spent a few days walking around Silicon Valley.

Cord Jefferson · 12/18/13 05:59PM

Seven homeless people have now frozen to death in the Bay Area since a harsh winter cold snap first gripped the region in late November. This news comes one week after a startup CEO wrote of San Francisco's homeless, "There is nothing positive gained from having them so close to us."

The Next Housing Bubble Is About To Pop All Over You

Ken Layne · 05/28/13 03:47PM

Flippers. Record home prices. Stock markets at record highs. Record low-interest rates. Just add some sad tales about young couples making $250,000 per year in Silicon Valley who still can't afford a million-dollar bungalow and you've got 2007 all over again.

Watch Oakland Police Fire Tear Gas on Protesters

Max Read · 10/25/11 08:59PM

A tense scene unfolded in Oakland last night as protesters, attempting to reclaim the plaza from which they were evicted early Tuesday morning, faced off with police—who used tear gas and percussion grenades on the occupiers.

Huge Explosion Hits Bay Area Suburb, Sets Entire Block on Fire

Max Read · 09/09/10 09:22PM

An enormous explosion just rocked San Bruno, California, a suburb just above San Francisco International Airport. Like, really big: A whole block is on fire with 200-foot flames. Six people are in critical condition. What the hell is going on?

Bay Area hit hard by mortgage foreclosures

Jackson West · 04/08/08 09:00PM

While the whole country has been hit hard by the subprime mortgage crisis, with sky-high housing costs the Valley and surrounding area have also felt the pain. How bad is it? HotPad's interactive heatmap of local foreclosures show eastern counties with more than one in 150 foreclosures. Surprisingly enough, there are few in San Francisco, but that probably has to do with most of the population renting — with rents going up, how about an eviction heat map? (Via Good Morning Silicon Valley)