
Heigl Finds Her Happy Place

Douglas Reinhardt · 05/22/08 12:57PM

After a brief honeymoon with cupcake and various delicious treats, Grey's Anatomy star Katherine Heigl switched back to the Hollywood power diet of cigarettes and Diet Coke. Heigl has cited the change in diet for the overall improvement in her disposition. Heigl said, "I was always so bitchy and crazy when I was ingesting sugar all the time. Now that I'm back to the natural elements, the basics, I don't know. I feel so energized and not dreading everything. I'm starting to not mind Joshua's bitching and even sometimes, allowing him to call himself, Josh. "

DUCKY! I Love You, Man!

Douglas Reinhardt · 05/20/08 04:10PM

Two and Half Men star Jon Cryer received the next level in TSA security pat down while boarding at a film at LAX. It wasn't as much of a pat down as it was a full body pat down that lingered a tad too long in certain areas for Cryer. Cryer said of the experience, "I guess he's a fan, but sometimes, people get a bit too zealous."

Frankie Muniz Will Straight Up Murder Your Ass

Douglas Reinhardt · 05/08/08 04:10PM

After a brief stint as a Pink Dot delivery guy, recovering child star Frankie Muniz has returned to the world of acting. While leaving the supermarket where he works, Muniz explained that he's been bulking up and working out for a bold, new high concept film. He is said to be pitching a self-penned script that has him playing a guy who's a hitman by day and and a Pink Dot delivery guy by night. Muniz hopes that playing against type will bring him back much the same way it brought John Travolta back with Pulp Fiction.

The Many Loves of Marc Jacobs

Richard Lawson · 05/06/08 12:47PM

Trendy Wendy fashion designer Marc Jacobs escorted yet another new gentleman friend to last night's Metropolitan Museum Costume Institute Gala, though no one really seems sure who he is. He could be another MySpace find, or some aspiring hanger-on who stumbled into one of the stores one day. Or he could just be a nice fellow who Marc met at the library and they like to take walks along the river and talk about Lorrie Moore books. (Though that's not, um, likely). What a revolving door this man has! Keeping all the hookers, porn stars, and Mensa members straight (heh) can be difficult. If you need a little help, we've provided some clarification (in list form, natch) after the jump.