
Come To Hollywood! You'll Meet James Woods, He Guarantees It!

Douglas Reinhardt · 07/15/08 12:00PM

In a move to boost tourism in Southern California, respected character actor James Woods guarantees that he'll meet with each and every single tourist. Woods said, "A lot of people come out here hoping to see somebody famous. So, why not cut out the middleman? I'll meet with anybody. Pose for pictures, pound fists or whatever the kids are doing these days. Just as long as they come out to Los Angeles." Woods kicked off the promotion with a sight seeing bus in West Hollywood and was greeted with an enthusiastic response. A tourist from Iowa said, "I'm in LA for a few days and I already met the guy from The Hard Way. How great is that? You can't get that kind of memory with a staycation, I'll tell you that much."

High Fives Are So Last Century

Douglas Reinhardt · 07/14/08 02:45PM

While out with friends in Venice over the weekend, Vince Vaughn was brought up to speed with celebratory hand gestures. The Rudy star felt the need to high five after joke he made, but his friend told Vaughn that all the kids pound it or bump knuckles these days. The friend quickly taught the basic elements of pounding to Vaughn which he enjoyed. Vaughn said, "I can see why everybody likes this. Cuts down on the germs."

Hunky Actor Hopes To Reignite Economy With Personal Appearance

Douglas Reinhardt · 07/14/08 12:05PM

Hunky actor Josh Hartnett stopped by the New York Stock Exchange hoping to boost morale. Hartnett had noticed that the market recently has taken a tumble and thought maybe he could cheer up the men on the floor. Hartnett said, "I just saw that things were going rough and I thought maybe I could turn the market around." Hartnett hopes his appearance at the exchange will make investing seem cooler to a younger demographic. Hartnett added, "It's okay to save for the future, guys. That trip to Cabo can wait."

"Happy and Glorious, Long to Reign Over Us"

Richard Lawson · 07/11/08 02:00PM

[It's been said before but... Dag. British singer and drug-filled umbrella stand Amy Winehouse at a club last night. When she left, she was inexplicably holding a red lamp and a cardboard box. Image via Bauer-Griffin]

You Know It's A Slow News Day When Louis C.K. Gets His Picture Taken

Douglas Reinhardt · 06/20/08 02:00PM

Comedian's comedian and actor Louis C.K. was spotted by a paparazzi photographer while out in New York City. C.K. asked for the real reason why the photographer was taking a picture of him. The photographer thought for a minute and debated between saying something polite ("Hey, I loved you in that one show!") or being honest. The photographer ended up going the honest route and told C.K. that he had heard a scoop that Lance Armstrong and Kate Hudson were in the adjacent area and that he just wanted to make sure his camera's focus was still working. C.K. nodded and said, "Well, just don't let Dane Cook steal this bit from me and you, okay?"

Meat Lover Jessica Simpson Becomes Latest Celebrity To Face Snarky Wrath Of PETA

Molly Friedman · 06/17/08 06:05PM

No blog, talking head or alcoholic British songbird can compete with PETA when it comes to snark. For decades, the animal lovers have verbally beheaded countless starlets for their fur and snakeskin accessories, but only recently have their targets bitten back. After seeing a recent photo of plumper-than-usual Jessica Simpson sporting one of those so-last-season message t-shirts reading "Real Girls Eat Meat," we wondered how many of her peers have boldly set themselves up for one of PETA's trademark white powder massacres. Having called Nicole Richie "an incredible shrinking woman with the heart to match," advising Ashley Olsen that "wearing fur does add 20 pounds, but if [she] wants to fill out her frame, we suggest using a fork instead," and telling Lindsay Lohan "there's no road to recovery for the foxes who are anally electrocuted so that you can look skanky," has PETA inspired any other starlets to publicly react just as vehemently? We take a look at the ongoing battles after the jump.