
Beloved True Blood Star Becoming a Mass Murderer

Richard Lawson · 10/27/10 02:53PM

We're sorry to say, it's happening. Cult leader, killer, all that. Also today: a movie studio is more powerful than a country, the new Batman movie is just recycling the old title, and Darren Aronofsky loves robots.

Blind "Batman" Able to Ride Bike Using Only Sound

Annie Fleming · 10/22/10 01:23PM

Daniel Kish has been blind since childhood, but has found a way to visualize his surroundings by copying the behavior of bats. Watch as he bikes and locates a ball in a field by making clicking noises with his mouth.

America, Meet Your Sexy New Batman Star

Richard Lawson · 10/13/10 02:40PM

You probably already met him this summer in Inception, but meet him again! And again! Also today: Fox is really happy about a new Alien script and hopes Natalie Portman will be too, and Real Housewives of Rock 'n' Roll?

This Pug Says "Batman" When He Barks

Matt Cherette · 07/19/10 03:40PM

Meet Teddy Almond Turtle. Teddy is a pug. He is also very fat. But perhaps the coolest thing about Teddy is that, when he barks, he actually screams "Batman." I wonder if he thinks the other pug is Robin? Video inside.

Fox to Induce Panic Attacks for Fun and Profit

Richard Lawson · 04/27/10 09:33AM

And it will all be televised. Also today: good news for fans of TNT cop shows, good news for fans of FX crime shows, bad news for fans of USA doctor shows, and mixed news for fans of nerd shows.

Nicolas Cage vs Adam West in Batman Quiz

Arianna Reiche · 04/14/10 12:37PM

Jay surprised Adam West fanboy Nic Cage with the Batman star himself, and the two action stars faced off in a Batman quiz. In the words of Cage, "I don't know how I can beat Batman in a Batman quiz."

Kid Does Batman Spoof

Robyn Caplan · 02/15/10 10:00AM

This boy gets credit for somehow talking his entire family into helping him with this batman inspired video, which is actually quite impressive. Christian Bale should probably sign up for some voice-lessons.

World Crisis Looms as City of Batman Revolts Against Christopher Nolan

STV · 11/10/08 01:40PM

No one in Hollywood likely ever expected to see the words "Batman" and "Turkey" in the same sentence, but a developing story out of the Balkans reaffirms our faith in the impossible: The mayor of an actual Turkish city called Batman announced over the weekend he plans to sue director Christopher Nolan for naming infringement.Frustrated over the superhero's incursion into his centuries-old city's cultural turf, mayor Hüseyin Kalkan's proposed lawsuit would nevertheless omit Batman creator Bob Kane, publisher DC Comics and film franchisee Warner Bros. as Nolan's co-defendants. Instead, it would hold the filmmaker himself singly responsible for the region's growing international reputation as a brooding, froggy-voiced world capital of mayhem — none of it in glorious IMAX:

Brett Ratner Salivates as Chris Nolan Hints He Might Not Direct 'Batman 3'

Kyle Buchanan · 10/27/08 03:47PM

While outlandish casting rumors for the next Batman sequel are a dime a dozen (we're starting another right here: fresh from her Dreamgrillz triumph, VH1 star Tiffany "New York" Pollard is being tipped to star as Bruce Wayne's next love interest), we've never been able to put much stock in them, principally because Bat mastermind Christopher Nolan hasn't actually signed on to a third film yet. Now, talking to the LAT, the director signals that his future involvement in the series shouldn't be seen as an inevitability:

5 Intelligent Screen Cars We Prefer to KITT From 'Knight Rider'

Kyle Buchanan · 09/24/08 03:10PM

America, let's face it: KITT from Knight Rider is kind of a bitch. Though he's a car designed for adventuring, KITT is also a big scold, always crying, "Do this!" "Do that!" "Miiiichael, the risk factor is too high!" It remains to be seen whether the Val Kilmer-voiced vehicle in tonight's Knight Rider reboot will prove less neurotic over time, but until then, we thought we'd take a trip down memory lane and give props to the "smart" cars we'd prefer to take a ride in. With the help of Molly McAleer, we've created this loving tribute to five of the best onscreen autos to ever rev their engines. Sorry, Herbie — better luck next time? [NBC]

Philip Seymour Hoffman on 'Batman' Rumors: Why So Erroneous?

Kyle Buchanan · 09/09/08 06:55PM

In recent weeks, rumors that Philip Seymour Hoffman would play the Penguin in the next Batman installment have become so widespread that even Michael Caine began to repeat them as fact (claiming that he first read of them in a newspaper, then confirmed the rumors with a WB executive). However, if Hoffman is soon to don a monocle and top hat, this is the first he's heard of it (and he's totally going to miss his call time). Speaking to MTV News at the Toronto Film Festival, Hoffman said that much like a persistent archvillain, the Penguin rumor is one that reappears to torment him every few years: