
Hollywood Forever: Long Live Jane Fonda's Boobs

T-RO · 08/04/08 06:45PM

Every group of friends has a Movie Nazi. You know this person: they buy the tickets a day in advance; they send the email two weeks beforehand, organizing everyone; they insist you get there at least a half hour early so you can get the best seats. You grumble, but in the end you are grateful for the Movie Nazi, especially when the movie event in question is at the Cinespia outdoor film series at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery. Follow along as we break down an evening spent with thousands of our closest friends for a screening of the '60s camp classic Barbarella.

Did Prolific Robert Rodriguez Trade Rose McGowan for 22-Year-Old in His Latest Romantic Drama?

STV · 07/08/08 05:30PM

Box-office bombs and Barbarella casting crises aside, we hear today that the Robert Rodriguez Girlfriend Roundelay may have simply been too crowded for Rose McGowan to keep her place during the couple's bust-up. A tipster sends word that Rodriguez has moved on to 22-year-old Kat Dennings, the Charlie Bartlett ingenue currently shooting Shorts with the filmmaker in Austin; the duo has reportedly been seen at locales around town — including Rodriguez's hot tub, we're told — but for all we know that could just be a bit of refreshment after a long, midsummer day under the scorching Texas sun.

Robert Rodriguez Salvages His Once-Promising Career By Relieving Rose McGowan Of Her Girlfriend Duties

Mark Graham · 07/02/08 04:00PM

Up until the point where filming began on Planet Terror, Robert Rodriguez's career was flying. Long considered one of Hollywood's more prolific directors (11 directorial credits between 1995 and 2005), the auteur specialized in churning out FX heavy (yet, comparatively speaking, low-budget) B-films that ended up being very profitable for both himself and the studios that released his pictures. But Rodriguez's life and career began to fall apart as he began an on-set relationship with his lead actress in Planet Terror, Rose McGowan, a relationship that not only ended up costing him his marriage but also one that seriously derailed his career. Most recently, he had been pushing to get studios interested in his $70 million remake of Barbarella which, natch, would star his new soul-draining harpy love interest. However, nary a studio in the world was willing to take a risk on a movie with that budget that had Rose McGowan as a lead (nor would they touch Red Sonja or Women In Chains!, two other projects he tried to secure financing for with his flame in the lead). Now, it appears that the friction between Rodriguez's personal and professional lives landed the pair an all-expenses paid trip on the Splitsville Express. According to Page Six:

John Phillip Law

Pareene · 05/15/08 08:41AM

John Philip Law—you know him as Pygar, the blind angel in Barbarella—died Tuesday in Los Angeles. He was 70. He was gloriously wooden in so many other nutty '60s cult classics, like The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming and Skidoo. [LAT]

Stalled 'Barbarella' Remake Coming Together Nicely In Rose McGowan's Head

STV · 04/14/08 12:00PM

In the latest flimsy edition of Barbarella Will Be Remade (No Really We Mean It) Quarterly, perennial cover girl Rose McGowan grabbed another opportunity to swear on a stack of imaginary scripts that she is super-seriously-definitely reprising Jane Fonda's original role in the long-gestating Robert Rodriguez do-over. And it is a do-over according to McGowan, who gets her critical faculties (and probably a few tempers at Universal) in a lather just thinking about it:

Rose McGowan Takes Early Lead In 'Barbarella' Remake Casting Race

mark · 05/22/07 03:29PM

· Robert Rodriguez will direct a remake of 1968 Jane Fonda sci-fi spank vehicle Barbarella for Universal; producer Dino De Laruentiis describes their plans for the project thusly: "In our vision, the future is female, and I can't wait to introduce 'Barbarella' to a new generation of moviegoers." We think we know where he's going with this: space lesbians! [Variety]
· Realizing that launching a hopeful summer blockbuster in the magical month of May seems to boost even the most disappointing of mega-budgeted sequels to record-breaking heights, studios are rushing to claim May release dates for their 2008 and 2009 movies. [THR]
· Broadway Out of Ideas: The Addams Family is being adapted into a musical, scheduled to hit the stage in 2009-10 season. Is it too early to make the easy joke about slapping a Gomez moustache on Hugh Jackman? [Variety]
· Following its corporate parent's "NBCU2.0" mandate to get both cheaper and dumber across all divisions, NBC News shitcans anchor Stone Phillips after 15 years on Dateline, replacing him with a non-union model who will open a briefcase that may or may not contain a videotape of that evening's stories. [THR]
· Richard Gere will take time off from his busy schedule of publicly despoiling Bollywood actresses to produce and star in Hachiko: a Dog's Story. [Variety]