
Right Wing So Mad About Supreme Court Ruling It's Just Straight-Up Appropriating Nazi Vocabulary

Max Read · 07/02/12 05:16PM

Frequent readers of National Review Online's The Corner might have stumbled over this odd foreign word in contributor Michael Walsh's column about Chief Justice John Roberts: Dolchstoss, which Walsh uses to refer to Roberts' ruling that the Affordable Care Act is constitutional. Literally translated, Dolchstoss means something like "dagger-thrust," but, like so many other words, this one has a particularly interesting valence. Let's take a look at Kevin Baker's 2006 Harper's article "Stabbed in the back! The past and future of a right-wing myth," shall we?

Romney Ad Uses Hillary Clinton's Words Against Obama

Louis Peitzman · 07/01/12 01:25PM

Remember when Hillary Clinton said, "Shame on you, Barack Obama"? Mitt Romney does. And he's making that the focal point of his "Shame On You" ad, which alleges that Obama spreads misinformation about Romney the same way he did about Hillary Clinton during the 2008 primaries.

Barack Obama Makes Mid-Air Plea to Donors

Louis Peitzman · 07/01/12 09:25AM

Anyone on Barack Obama's mailing list knows that the campaign hasn't been shy about asking for donations — and for good reason. The President is in serious danger of being outspent by opponent Mitt Romney, and that could have serious consequences in the November election.

Jon Stewart Dissects More Fox News Hypocrisy Over Fast and Furious

Matt Toder · 06/26/12 10:38PM

It's no surprise that the pundits on the right are going after Obama over Fast and Furious and his executive order but their continued outlandish hypocrisy over the issue has really drawn the ire of Jon Stewart. On tonight's Daily Show, he continued to pound home the right's—Fox News' in particular—hypocritical stance on the issue.

Which Presidential Candidate Is Better At Pandering to Latino Voters?

Matt Toder · 06/25/12 10:28PM

Both President Obama and Mitt Romney spoke at the NALEO conference last week just before the Supreme Court's decision about Arizona's controversial immigration laws. So who did a better job of getting his message across? On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart broke it down.

The GOP Is Unbelievably Full of Shit on Executive Privilege

John Cook · 06/22/12 02:35PM

The Fox News wing of the Republican Party (which is to say, the Republican Party), has concluded that Barack Obama is a 21st Century Richard Nixon because he conjured a dreaded, wicked trick called executive privilege to cover up his manifest crimes. Hey, only Republicans are allowed to do that!

Jon Stewart Laments Obama's Executive Privilege Hypocrisy

Matt Toder · 06/21/12 10:30PM

With seemingly no other option but fessing up to the Fast and Furious program, President Obama has exerted executive privilege over various documents. If only Obama, and many others on the left, hadn't come out completely against the practice when George W. Bush pulled the same thing five years ago. On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart broke it all down.

Jon Stewart Loves Fox News' Drastic Reaction to Putin's Body Language

Matt Toder · 06/20/12 10:33PM

On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart took a look at the little flap caused by the chilly body language between President Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin. While CNN was busy wondering whether or not there was even a story here, Fox News was up to their usual antics: taking a few out of context clips and comparing them to Ronald Reagan's actions.

On Neil Munro's Obama Stunt-Heckle

Mobutu Sese Seko · 06/19/12 12:05PM

Last Friday, as American journalists looked forward to an evening's well-earned drinking, one lone truth-teller gritted his teeth and inwardly hissed, "Not on my watch." He was wearing a tan suit and standing near roses as he said this. There was a Poison song playing in his head, and he saw words emerge from his mouth in bullet time, so the president couldn't dodge them.

Barack Obama Outflanks Congress With Massive New Amnesty Program for Illegal Immigrants

John Cook · 06/15/12 09:45AM

Behold the first election-year bombshell: Barack Obama's White House will announce this morning that it will unilaterally begin granting work permits to as many as 800,000 illegal immigrants who arrived in the United States as children, graduated from high school, and stayed out of trouble with the law. He's essentially implemented the much-debated DREAM Act, only without the hassle of all that voting in Congress. He should have done this with health care!