
Barack Obama Is Going to SXSW (Embarrassing)

Ashley Feinberg · 03/02/16 02:38PM

In what is a major get for South by Southwest (SXSW) and a deeply embarrassing move for the Office of the President, Barack Obama will be interviewed in a “keynote conversation” during the annual vanity carnival’s opening day. All of which is to say, Obama’s about to drop an app.

Ben Carson Says Barack Obama Was "Raised White"

Jordan Sargent · 02/23/16 11:05AM

In an interview with Politico, conducted on Saturday as the results of the Republican primary in South Carolina rolled in, Ben Carson argued that Barack Obama didn’t really grow up black. Here’s the exchange, which began when Politico’s Glenn Thrush asked Carson if he “derived any pride, any sense of joy” out of Obama winning the 2008 election:

Bill Fucking Clinton Accuses Bernie Supporters of Sexism

Allie Jones · 02/08/16 12:15PM

Bill Clinton has decided to start attacking his wife’s opponent for the Democratic nomination for president, since that worked so well eight years ago. At a rally in New Hampshire on Sunday, Bill mocked Bernie Sanders’s desire for “revolution” and accused Sanders supporters of sexism.

Sarah Palin Says Her Son Was Arrested Because Obama Doesn't Care About Veterans

Jordan Sargent · 01/20/16 04:10PM

Today at a Donald Trump rally in Oklahoma, Sarah Palin addressed what she called “the elephant in the room”: her son Track’s particularly ill-timed arrest on domestic violence and weapons charges, which she blamed on alleged negligence of veterans on the part of Barack Obama:

Obama's Last Chance to Admit He's Muslim/State of the Union Liveblog

Ashley Feinberg · 01/12/16 10:34PM

At 9 p.m., President Barack Hussein Obama will have his seventh and final chance to address the country about his Muslim roots in this year’s State of the Union address. Will the “non-traditional” speech consist entirely of interpretive dance? Is Kim Davis planning to streak? Will Obama reveal his Kenyan birth certificate for a final mic drop? And did Paul Ryan manage to get his shift covered at Hollister? We’re about to find out.

Will Obama Shapeshift Into His True Reptilian Vampire Form Tonight at His Final State of the Union? Perhaps! If So, Gawker Will Liveblog It!

Alex Pareene · 01/12/16 06:45PM

Tonight, at 9 p.m. Eastern, President Barack Obama will deliver his final State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress. The White House has promised a “non-traditional speech.” It’s a stretch, but that could mean the outgoing president will reveal himself to be a member of an interdimensional race of shape-shifting reptilians, as this YouTube user suggests in an hour-long documentary, a portion of which is embedded above.

A Man Self-Identifying as Jesus Christ Tried to Kidnap President Obama’s Dog

Ashley Feinberg · 01/08/16 03:20PM

Scott Stockert, a man from North Dakota who is known to himself as “Jesus Christ,” was arrested after police received a tip that he’d traveled to Washington, D.C. with the express purpose of kidnapping First Dog Bo Obama. A fact that is deeply embarrassing for the Obamas’ other dog—you know the one.

Obama to Seinfeld: Many World Leaders Are Completely Insane 

Allie Jones · 12/31/15 10:18AM

Jerry Seinfeld’s Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee premiered online at Crackle last night with a very special episode featuring the president. They drove some old Corvette thing and walked around the White House lawn before Seinfeld asked a serious question: “How many world leaders do you think are just completely out of their mind?”