
Goldman Agonistes

John Cook · 12/16/09 11:21AM

The New York Times has identified the source of Goldman Sach's image troubles—it used to be a hip bank, one that really cared about the banking, you know? Now all they care about is money. Sellouts.

Hobo America Gets a Haircut

Hamilton Nolan · 12/14/09 03:39PM

The Way We Live Now: Well-coiffed. Hey, Citigroup's resurrecting itself and Exxon is balling again even though all your investments are clearly "bubbles," but the point is: Here, have a free haircut. All better now?

Announcing the Goldman Project

John Cook · 10/15/09 11:36AM

It's Thursday, so Goldman Sachs raked in billions with taxpayer help while you're still unemployed. The bank announced $3.1 billion in third-quarter profits today, and set aside $5.3 billion for bonuses. Help us find out how they spend it.