Bane Creator Chuck Dixon: Limbaugh's Batman Conspiracy Theory 'Ridiculous' — I'm a Staunch Conservative
Neetzan Zimmerman · 07/18/12 01:48PM
Making an unplanned phone call into the nationally syndicated radio program Schnitt Show yesterday, comic book writer Chuck Dixon, co-creator of the character Bane, refuted claims made by Rush Limbaugh that the homophonic similarities between the Batman villain and Mitt Romney's financial services company Bain suggest a liberal conspiracy to smear the presidential candidate.
Why Isn't Rush Limbaugh Talking About the Real Batman Conspiracy?
Max Read · 07/17/12 03:46PM
Today on his radio show, Rush Limbaugh blew the lid off of President Obama's most devious plot yet: the villain in this summer's new Batman move is named Bane, a homophone of Bain, the financial services company founded by Mitt Romney. But why is Limbaugh ignoring the far deeper, and far more disturbing conspiracy right in front of his nose?